About Wee Moody Judy:

Wee Moody Judy is a Scottish born, London-based artist. She is a Queer, Femme and Bewitchingly Bisexual artist and maker who explores Queer identity, mental health, sex positivity and all things witchy and Occult within her practice. 

Judy’s Scottish roots (and Pisces rising) draw her to a fascination of The Occult and Mysticism. She has a love for the appreciation and practice of astrology, tarot, mythology and folklore. Yet, her existence and thus her experience as a Queer Woman (and a fiery double Aries) raised in Glasgow invites tongue and cheek play and a more direct style and message into her work. 

Wee Moody Judy finds joy in making Magic non exclusive, fun and accessible to all. Wether it be visualising the magic and beauty she feels  within Queer culture, spreading enchantments of  sex positivity, casting a mental health protection spell or just straight up making witchy shit - Judy loves and practices it all!

If you’re looking for her you may find her; drawing on her Ipad, building an alter, burning an alarming amount of incense, reading her books, badly shuffling a tarot deck, Netflixing with a glass of wine, out walking her dog with her girlfriend Sarah or straight up just chasing a haggis round Ben Nevis. And if you can’t find Wee Moody Judy in all her usual spots, not to worry! - check out her instagram and catch up with her there (knowing her screen time she’s bound to be online!). 

Blessed Be Witches x